Jackson Whittier Jackson Whittier Dandelion Graphic Dandelion Seeds

Jackson Whittier is...

an Actor, Director, Playwright, and Poet born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri. In 2009, Jackson told his parents that he was going to "...win an Oscar, like Justin Bieber" and artists around the world have admired that creativity ever since. Jackson is currently based on Long Island, NY where he is set to finish his B.F.A in Acting in May (2025).

Jackson is a proud guncle, little brother, and favorite son. He is also the biggest Nintendo fan on the planet, with a particular life-long love for The Legend of Zelda franchise which singlehandedly changed the trajectory of his toddler life. At age five, Jackson was diagnosed with Epilepsy, with video games becoming a large and joy-filled part of a non-convential childhood.

As an artist, Jackson has taken pride in his ability to transform that childhood creativity into visionary ingenuinity. He is a firm proponet of the idea that storytelling is a social responsibility that must be treated as such, and he has been instilled with the belief that a sense of social awareness must underscore all that he does. Jackson wants to change the world, through art. Watch out, Biebs.


New Play Workshop in development

Jackson is in the process of developing his new play titled Fourth Floor Angels, which explores themes surrounding the way in which childhood joy trancends even the most difficult of circumstances.

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New Short Film to be released in May

Baby in Bloom, a new short film by Bea Coventina is set to release in May of 2025. The film chronicles a young wife, Elizabeth, and her struggle with access to reproductive health-care in the late 1960s.

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New, full length, poetry collection to be released in August

Jackson has marked August 25th for the official release of his second poetry book, and first full length poetry collection, titled Living in the Grey.

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